outdoor living

New Trends In Outdoor Design: Top 5 We Love!

No matter your style or the size of your outdoor space, as the warm weather approaches(hopefully!) we should start thinking about how to spruce up our outdoor living spaces to make them comfortable and inviting.


Using lighting at different levels and textures can add depth and loads of interest to your outdoor spaces. Combining the use of downlights, uplights, overhead string lights, and pendants, as well as pathway lighting, can create a magical effect throughout the yard. It helps to connect inside your home with the outside.

from Nesting with Grace
from Nesting with Grace

Creative Playful Spaces

Ever since COVID and lockdown, people spend more time outdoors and want a cool, chill vibe. Creating playful, easy-going spaces are key to enjoying this outdoor space. Using swings, daybeds, and creative lighting, all speak to this aesthetic.

from Hunker
from Hunker

Natural and Nurturing Landscapes

Adding landscapes and garden designs with healthy edibles and herbs is a trend, especially in California, according to landscape designers Kate and Ryan Gross. They say lawns are going out, and more drought-tolerant groundcovers like Kurapia are more prevalent.

from Christian DuRucher
from Christian DuRucher

Whimsical and Meandering Pathways

It’s all about pathways that create a soothing feeling and movement. Different ornamental grasses, as they sway with the wind, can help relax that high stress! Water elements also help to reduce the feeling of stress and induce a calming sensation.

from Pinterest
from Pinterest

Fire Elements

Who doesn’t love an easy and pretty fire element? We can create this with a gas fire pit, tabletop fire pit, or the old-fashioned wood-burning fire pit. Whatever you decide, a fire creates warmth and a beautiful glow to enjoy your outdoor spaces in the evenings.

From Life and Home
From Life and Home

Making our outdoors reflect our home and our personalities can be fun!

If you need help making your outdoor spaces into places you truly love, give me a call. I am happy to help you create a fun and inviting space for all to enjoy!

xo Kelly